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Image by Codioful (Formerly Gradienta)
  • Writer's pictureRiza Harris

July 2024 Galactic Update

Updated: 1 day ago

**The Audio For this Update is now Available:

Dear Eternal Family,

I come as a bearer of information containing full transparency, the truth as it is, and why there has been a field of silence with the Truth of Riza Platform. One of my most valued leadership virtues is consistency, stability, and the ability to build trustworthiness among myself and others. There have been no new updates, or techniques released up until now, there have been many events in the last year in which our Krystal Star Family and myself never saw coming. As you know Truth of Riza is an ongoing, evolving platform or architecture that was created so that the Paladorian Families of Krystal Star could develop offerings for the ascending timeline and angelic humanity. These offerings include light body adjustment treatments, ascension tools, and handbooks, which would then be interfaced through loving telepathic mentorship to my human being or person so that it could be created into physical materialization. It is by divine design, that my personal mission is to serve angelic humanity and our Krystal Star Families by serving and creating these offerings through my unique vocal current, embodiment, and penmanship. With this rather lengthy update, I will be walking you through my husband and I’s personal experiences of spiritual warfare and timeline wars. As we head into this new coming timeline, I intend that these writings support anyone who may feel that they are being targeted by covert silent weaponry, by providing detailed descriptions of said weaponry and tools that will assist you in regaining personal sovereignty and most of all supporting you in your highest Diamond Sun DNA potentials.

Timeline Re-Arrangement

Let us begin with my personal timelines. I, Riza Harris, or what you know to be my personality, was discharged from the military in March 2021 after being on active duty status for 4 years. When we look back at the timelines before entering the military, I met my husband; then best friend, seemingly out of the blue. Before I joined the military I was in the beginning stages of meditating, learning the state of neutrality, and healing my relationship with my earthly related and universal matriarchal line. I aligned to going into the military in 2018. While in, I stayed best friends with my now husband. He joined the military in 2019 same branch of military under a different MOS. While we were both on active duty status we started going through various stages of consciousness awakening and increased states of awareness physically and inter-dimensionally. Both of us were doing the 12D shielding technique and the nightly Core Fear Removal Program provided by Energetic Synthesis for a couple of months. My husband at the time was going through the 18 X-Ray Special Forces pipeline in order to be slotted For the Q- Course, pass Selection, and then become a Green Beret. I noticed while I was in the military that my psychic abilities were starting to pick up and I could read with fine clarity, energetic signatures. I was going through the beginning phases of DNA activation and my personal ascension process while on active duty status. You can imagine how odd I felt being in uniform going through the beginning phases of Kundalini awakening and connecting all of the dots of malevolent alien, extraterrestrial involvement with the military. There came a point in my life where I would go to work and end up blowing the fuses of computers around me due to the intense heat that was always running through my body and the electrical shifts that were happening in my biofield. The computers would completely quit working and this would be the entire office, not just my singular computer. I also noticed during my stages of activation that the energy I was running would bring out the worst in people Including my roommates at the time. Their life would slowly start to spiral and my energy would show them crucial life lessons, thus my loving nature would bring out unhealed patterns in the people around me. The more I loved the more I felt intense hate directed towards me. I started being a master of my emotions, my mind, and my thoughts. I started embodying the virtues of being disciplined, forgiving others and myself, and the highest levels of self-love so that I could see how I reacted to people's unhealed patterns and the pain they would begin to project onto me. This way of living left me in silence and in a meditative state for hours most days. I was committed to getting closer to my eternal nature, my soul, and listening to what my body had to say and show me as a daily practice.

I AM the Power, Master and Cause of My Emotions. I AM the Power, Master and Cause of My Mind. I AM Neutral effortlessly.

I started refining my ability to read energetic signatures and remote viewing with accuracy. There was a short time in my aligned timeline where I thought I was going to be hired as a psychic to provide the data or intel to the correct benevolent forces to free missing children that were located in deep underground military bases that I ended up finding myself while training my skill sets on weekends. This entire mission set would connect me to mission sets from our galactic Paladorian families of Valiant Thor residing in the future timelines of Earth/ Venus.

During this time my husband was going through the last phases of the 18 X-Ray Pipeline, at Selection training up for nighttime land navigation. During the land navigation part, Anti-Christ Negative Alien (NA) forces arrived and intentionally messed with his memory through astrally based technologies of blank slating and re-arranging long-term memory filing systems within the brain neurology. The NA also used nearby cell phone towers, emitting highly specific location-orientated EMF brain wave modulators during the hours of preparation for the testing to manipulate his ability to plot the points with confidence. The entire time of finding his last points was manipulated, accompanied by weather warfare, thus he did not pass which put him in a situation of being assigned to a completely different MOS.

From Guardian Host this is considered the first timeline rip/timeline war, originally it was planned that my husband would make it through selection and is selected to be Special Forces Operations and that I would work alongside providing psychically based intelligence with connections to our guardian families of the Kryst-Krystallah that was in complete alignment to the God Sovereign Free Timeline that further aligned with several Guardian Host Mission Task Work Loads/Streams involving the global disclosure event. Currently, there is a bifurcation going on with our U.S. Armed Forces where some are aligned to the Holy Father’s Book of the Law and dispensing justice for those crimes that the Anti-Christ Negative Alien forces have committed, and then the other participants are serving the Negative Alien Agendas of One World Order, AI Assimilation through the deployment or usage of military-grade weaponry on innocent human beings, to include several covert mind control technologies on and off planet. Most of these technologies have been debuted and used on innocent humans by the creation of the Terrorist Screening Database List (TSDB List), commonly known or referred to as the Targeted Individual Program. Please know and understand that we are living through the Emerald Order returning through our beloved Holy Mother and Holy Father fully returning to reclaim all that was taken from them to include us as their holy children of the Sacred Sun. Earth will not experience a fall into phantom or AI Assimilation. There will be a Global Awakening Event in the coming future, the event will disclose and reveal the truth of Earth’s galactic origins and the history of negative aliens. The when or how is a topic that I cannot speak on, God is the only planner for this divine plan unfoldment. Our main priority is building our direct relationship and connection to God, thus this way of living will keep us aligned to the organic timeline while many truths are being revealed to humanity.

To get back on the subject of timeline re-arrangements, given that my husband did not make selection, my timelines shifted right away. A situation arose in my external where I was moved to a new base. Shortly after this move, things were starting to heat up with talks about a forced bioweapon. I stood tall and firm in my decision to stay with my no. At the time I was already going through a medical board procedure which was my connection point or bridge to discharging from the Army in 2021. Humanity faced such deep wounding of being forced, uninformed consent, coercion, and the fear of death with illegal mandates in the civilian sector and military. The second timeline war was the early insertion of the 2020 Bioweapon that contained alien metalloids in order to stop the integration of the Tan-Tri-Ahura solar plasmas Sun Star coded flowering waves that flower and solarize the heart and lungs of the ascending human biology. As this bioweapon timeline war got inserted into many human's timelines, I witnessed so many people around me lining up to receive the unknown reversed elemental metalloids alien technology, and nanotechnologies into their bodies which was the result of mindcontrol being emitted from cell phone towers, wifi routers, and media propaganda. This was medical tyranny, divide and conquer, reverse psychological tactics in order to meet the Negative Alien agendas of mass depopulation.

I only hope and pray that those who feel abandoned by God, come to know the full truth about this bioweapon and are reunited with your true Cosmic Godparents through perfect love and perfect peace in all ways. May you find everything that you need to heal and be connected with your soul and God once more.

My husband and I both chose to stand in our bodily sovereignty, truth, and power. We stood tall and stayed firm in our NO which resulted in our discharge process re-integrating both of us back into civilian life earlier than anticipated or planned.

Emerald Order Enlightened Contact

You cannot force, try to plan out, go searching for your true Hierogamic partner, Monadic level equal or genetic equal. These divine relationships come together through divine design and divine right order. The gender pairings, female and male, come together as God would have it be. These gender pairings have nothing to do with overly electrifying sexual desires or gravitational pulls of sexual arousal that are most commonly observed in the twin flame communities which is the result of alien love bite technology, sexual Misery programming, and anti- hieros gamos technologies in order to create a roller coaster of emotions, chasing and running, and waring between gender polarities. After being discharged from the military, my husband and I moved in with each other during our early months of dating. This was before we knew anything about divine hierogamic coupling and the balance of inner female and male creating Christos- Sophia. Together we focused on taking good care of our bodies, doing our 12D shield building technique, and placing our focus and trust with God. We began to ask every day:

What do we do now and where are we headed? Beloved God, Please show me, guide me. I am devoted to serving the Cosmic Soviergn Law of One, I am committed to being a knower of my divine purpose, my divine role as designed by Holy Mother & Holy Father. May I be fully aligned to your perfect wisdom and be placed in your perfect care- for I know you know all things as I am surrendered, I let go of everything possible in my life to become a new, place me where I am needed for my highest spiritual potential.

DNA activation and overall ascension process takes time, a course of years, lifetimes, continually being committed and devoted to knowing the truth. It is a lifestyle to serve divinity- for it will ask you to surrender what you thought was true, bare boned and grow a completely new way of being. You must be able to sit with the full truth even when it is hard to accept. What unfolded over the next couple of weeks was a cellular knowing and learning that I was on an Indigo 1 Contract and my husband was on an Indigo 3 contract with a reversed genetic Nephilim hybrid. My field was being tested at the time to experience Emerald Order enlightened contact. My entire life flipped upside down, imploded, and exploded in on itself. Everything I thought was true was a lie and I found myself going through months of unlearning and learning Law of One Curriculums and mannerisms of loving kindness and unity. Learning values like the essence of purity, perfect balance, unconditional love, harmlessness, inner peace, neutrality, stillness, How to defend, not fight with off world negative alien races. Guardian consciousness defends the Christ consciousness on this earth in the most benevolent and genius mannerisms as aligned to the Law of One. Once full White Diamond Mother Lineage Elohei and Pink Diamond Father Elohei Emerald Order First Contact was made I attended months and months of training and mentorship from our Krystal Star Families. My Emerald Order Communication and connection links were made and eternally strengthened in 2022. From this point in time I was trained by the Guardian Host teams of how to conduct clearings, eviction notices, extractions from the planetary grid, remote viewing / field work sessions, and communicating with various other Guardian Host Functions to carry out the workloads and guardian work streams that needed to be completed in service to humanity. I was mentored in embodying perfect selfconfidence, perfect self esteem, and perfect self love and love for all of God’s creations. My husband and I were the ground crew to our Paladorian Krystal Star Families apart of the Blue Dragon Family, J12 Lines from the Aquaferion shields. We became the eyes and ears of the Emerald Order Founder Dragon Teams carrying out gods divine plan. Through being a contactee or guardian representative I have had to learn emotional regulation as spiraling “out “ of control is not permissible when you are connected to the guardian functions or guardian consciousness. I was taught my responsibilities, my mission tasks, divine purpose and will always hold true to them with great honor along side of my husband. I know with full clarity my responsibilities and will complete my tasks given with absolute faith in the divine plan. After months of attending training and mentorship during sleep state I started learning about my husband’s contract and working telepathically with the Nephilim hybrid through unconditional love and a format of reparenting the other soul attached to my husband.

Third Timeline Rip/ War

While I was reparenting and learning about the forced hybridized Nephilim soul, it was clear to me what the divine design of the Ruby Sun DNA was. I learned that the Nephilim was a forced hybridized founder genetic line that went through forced hybridization during the Gaian - Tara Electric wars. The Guardian Host functions worked tirelessly with the Nephilim essence, re teaching, assisting soul remembrance and reparenting along side of the conversations that I would have with him. During this time, through my own consciousness expansion and awareness I found abduction truama residing in my subconscious and unconscious mental body and layers. I was guided by Krystal Star how to find the difference between an authentic memory and a cover memory or false inserted memory/ reality lens. Of all of my 26 years being on this earth I thought that I had endured child sexual abuse with a certain family member, and that was not the truth. When I got abducted astrally at the age of 3, the Grey Zetas and Black Sun Insectoid Races inserted false cover memories to cover up the entire genetic experimentation abduction experience. The cover memories which was child sexual abuse, was designed to create deeply embedded false parent cording and emotional fragmentation. It took me months to reveal the false cover memory and actually look at the real memories that were laying under what was inserted. Physical abductions and astral abductions are common. Negative Alien Races and groups that conduct the abductions for their genetic material harvesting and experimentation use cover memories inserted into our memory filing complexes so that our body only reacts to the cover memories. Cover memories can also be pleasant experiences overlayed the actual experiences of abduction, but I find that is not the most common case of what the cover memories contain or how they are used. We are living in societies, social groups, environments that are not conducive to speaking about this subject, let alone healing the trauma around interactions with aggressive aliens at such young ages. It is not spoken about enough that a child’s emotional distress and rage mostly comes from abduction truama or some type of astral dream abuse. In my personal case and experience, once I started acting out In anger at everyone and everything around me, the medical system labeled me with ADHD and gave me a bottle of several different pills. This is the worst thing you can do or give to an Indigo child , let alone any child with already higher levels of awareness. I took daily time reparenting and connecting to my husband’s contract of the Indigo 3, and also sitting with my inner child healing the abduction Trauma in my body. We reached a critical point in the timelines where my husband was finishing up his Indigo 3 contract and my abduction Truama was clearing. I attended the closing ceremony to that beloved Indigo 3 contract and was immediately notified of our next focal point as far as healing at the soul matrix levels and beyond.

Please hold yourself through these next couple of statements as it does contain some trigger warnings due to the material being presented. Guardian Host Teams revealed to myself the seriousness of genital mutilation and the deeply embedded truama that happens with male circumcision surgery. The percentage of men that are circumcised is 80% statically speaking. It was revealed to me that demonic spirits get binded to the genitals of The male child at the time of surgery which is Satanic Ritual Abuse ( SRA), genital Mutilation and sexual misery programming. These three topics are the main pillars of satanism and luciferian ritual culture to create a division between the male and female gender principles coming into perfect balance or union. Circumcision surgery and the cutting of the female clitoral body is genital Mutilation and SRA. The foreskin that gets cut off goes into the mouths of celebrity elites as food, into anti-aging fascial serums of the rich, into the hands of reptilian aliens living underground, used as skin graphs for burned victims and other horrific uses.

As I address all men on this earth, may you seek support and refuge with Holy Mother’s loving grace to ease and sooth your woundings and pain. May you find your path toward healing, opening your heart, releasing false king of tyranny, and being re - united with your true God Parents. May you seek support by connecting to your inner divine solar feminine and feeling Holy Cosmic Mother’s immense love for you. Beloved, Inner solar masculine I love you with all of my heart, soul, mind and might. You are treasure beyond measure.

Once all of this came into my awareness we started taking the steps to heal this truama in the subconscious mental layer of my husband. At this point I did not learn about the binded demon until a bit later on. I was working with my husband’s body on an intelligence level through scar work, letting the body tell me stories it was holding onto, and several other body massage techniques that support the fascia and psyche. It was planned in the timelines that we would come into a huge windfall of money, move out of the country and settle down in Malta to continue certain grid work projects where we would need to physically be there in order to complete the projects. This is and was everything that we were preparing for.

On the night of the final radial body encryption and monadic projections alteration by our families of the Krystal Star , the binded demon from the circumscion surgery ripped my radial body by disrupting my entire encryption process. That demon binded to my husband, which was later transited during spiritual deliverance, was the third timeline rip or beginning of the war that had just been incited against us. The demon contacted the entire hierarchy of demonic spirits, creatures, negative aliens and later told them about our genetics and our genetic lineage. Negative aliens from several different locations in the time matrix, then added us on to the Targeted Individual List. I have also learned rather recently that other family members from our genetic line and those serving the Christos mission have also been added to this obscene list in order to suppress, halt and disrupt our Guardian Mission Tasks and Workloads. Christos can never be stopped, the mission to return our Mother’s Dragon body parts is no longer a stealth mission set, nonetheless we press forward stronger than we ever have. I was directly notified about being on the list August / September 2023. What you must understand is that everything is Interdimensional, the way we are being attacked is not just from physical humans, but it is also off world alien involvement that would love nothing more to see the Christos People fail. War has been incited against Christos particularly those connected to the Emerald Order founder genetics, our Cosmic Christos Dragon Star-seeds and Paladorian Dragon Starhuman genetics. It is a very small group of us that are going and living through targeted attacks from Negative Alien groups and invisible electronic weaponry. This is the full on disclosure of everything that has been happening behind closed doors for about a year. These Negative alien groups are holding onto mere threads, deploying as much weaponary as they can against us in order to halt our activation and the coming new timelines of planetary freedom and liberation. Cosmic order will be restored.

Activating Paliadorian Cosmic Dragon Star Human Genetics

We now arrive to the point in time as to why my consciousness was forcibly activated to unprecedented levels. Activations that were planned for myself to be initiated into at 33 & 44 years of age through my biological time cycles were now happening at the age of 26. All of these consciousness shifts, mental states, and embodiment changes were expedited through the manners of sleep state training located at Holographic White Diamond Sun Plasmic Light Architectural Cathedrals residing outside of time. After being told about the Targeted Individual List, other lists regarding the deployment of weapons against innocent humans, and the fact that other family members, direct descendants of the beloved J12 lines ( Blue Solar Dragon Families), were being covertly attacked, was the start of going through phase after phase of trainings.

The Guardian Host Functions started teaching me about Dragon DNA and explaining how the only way to overcome all deployed weapons was to activate states of dragon consciousness and senses. It became a priority to my embodiment to activate and awaken my inner dragon essences. To embody Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon King Self Embodiments. Over a span of months I started attending training, Galactic Christos Warrior Training in order to defend, deflect and protect the Christ Consciousness on this planet. The fearless leader and warrior that I am went through phases of activating dragon consciousness, restoring dragon body parts, physically training my body through mobility and unconventional strength drills, brain neurological rewiring, and living life through centrifugal senses and illuminated dragon eyes and vision sets. I traveled to many holy mountain architectures, some being volcanoes so that I could have the ability to flow LA- VA serums during grid working projects to support the divine plane as an action. I was mentored in and taught how to emanate Diamond TA tones from my diamond fully anointed throat and dragon tongue from the Mother Dragon Triple Solar Female Feline Elohei Lineages. The embodiments of Paliadorian Edenic Coding, Avalonian Female Christ Human genetics with the icy, Cosmic Mother’s frost blue diamond , white diamond silvery fire breath patterns supported my levels of activation. It was revealed to me that I AM a Paliadorian Christos Solar Dragon being sharing a Solar Rishi-Reisha Dragon Body with my beloved husband apart of the Ruby Order Solar Dragon King lines. My husband is my Solar Rishic level partner, genetic equal, those who are paired at this level have to live life very differently. I am still putting all the pieces together as I continue my sleep state trainings. With every passing day I receive more clarity and understanding as to how Holy Mother and Holy Father move through the Amythest Order, Ruby Order, Emerald Order and Gold Order Serephei Families with the help of Guardian Host and those families connected to the Seven Higher Heavens. My body acts as the left heart chamber of the sacred dragon and my husband is the right heart chamber of our sacred shared dragon body. When we moved into January 2024 during Sagittarius alchemical season, Guardian Host gave me a single word, that word being REIGN. I have traveled with this word so deeply, so intimately, and have had to greatly mature my inner solar female and inner solar masculine in order to face off with some of these Negative Alien counterparts that have deployed everything against my husband like multiple input - output black box super quantum computing AI targeting, constant harassment from black military helicopters and CIA/FBI unmarked surveillance propeller planes, 5G beam steering weaponry, microwave attacks to the face and genitals, voice of god transmissions, sexual life force and sleep deprivation tactics, MK Ultra Mind control patterning, constant disease labeled implant forced inserts, Brain mapping, defamation of my physical body, attempt to change my personality on a subconscious level through dream torture manipulation, and military grade toxic chemical gassing.

At this point this is all I can say about my contract, to provide an update, first hand experiences and divine purpose. My husband and I are an Aeonic Pairing acting as God’s golden promise to Humanity while being on and experiencing the Targeted Individual Program. I serve Cosmic Mother Dragon and Father Dragon at my highest capacity, forever and always. As I am guided by direct communications from the Mother of Mother Dragon Networks this is how we move forward. We step off through my husband’s and I’s reign of peace and liberation. Gathering as much evidence and documentation as we can, exposing these covert weapons while keeping in our mind and hearts humanities highest ascension timeline outcomes as we are animated through the breath of divinity. Truth of Riza is a living library of my experiences while I serve the Christos mission to my best ability and reign with love in my heart no matter what weapons are pointed at us. This journey has demanded me to have nerves of steel, become unshakable, remain neutral and emotionally balanced through out all time and throughout all targeted attacks. I have chosen peace as a personal lifestyle through everything. Just remember that you can always choose peace. I know we will always prevail, I have the full support needed from Guardian Families to succeed in the face of any warring negative alien faction and eventually we will receive justice by exposing the covert weapons that are harassing millions of innocent humans everyday. These are crimes against humanity and I will not stop until those who are committing these crimes are held accountable, those who are committing these crimes… God Force is always watching you and you will be held accountable as Cosmic Mother and Father swiftly restore the natural Edenic blueprint of Gaia - Tara - Earth.

Fearless we stand, all knowing we stand, ever so confident we stand, our strength is solidified with our trust in God. This is where we are now, the truth displayed as it is. We are victorious, gleaming in solar light, unstoppable and always succeeding. I am victory embodied. I am stronger than any type of attack that gets deployed against me. I am God. I am Sovereign. I am Free. We move with honor and dedication to free our Solar brothers and sisters of the Christ. VICTORY IS OURS !!

May the truth ring free and supreme through the multiverses, the parallel matrixes and into the phantom spaces. May God’s love, power and glory reign supreme in my life , all timelines, dimension and the multiverse. We have no fear for thy rod and staff support us. I am one with my true father and his holy book of the law, as he is one with me. I am one with my true mother and her holy book of loving wisdom as she is one with me. I am their eternal holy Christos Sophia child. I am that I am.

Please only take what absolutely resonates as truth frequencies and may we all stay balanced, whole, neutral, held in cosmic grace and cosmic valor from our Holy Mother and Holy Father, Christos Sophia Families.

Thank you God Thankyou God and Thankyou God for my beautiful life and body.


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