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Image by Codioful (Formerly Gradienta)
  • Writer's pictureRiza Harris

August 2024 Galactic Update

Updated: 1 day ago

Audio of this update:

Dear Eternal Family,

I welcome you to our galactic update for this month. My husband and I have gone through some very extreme levels of vitriolic attacks from the Black Sun AI Hybridized Genetic Race Lines, whose consciousness is repeatedly merged with 5G and 6G electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) bandwidths. In early August 2024, a bounty was placed on our names, the reward was to be given if certain individuals could properly get a remote EEG, contactless brain map, produce a complete and full brain scan, for the use of uploading our consciousness to Artificial Intelligence Digital Realms connected to Black Box, multiple input and output Super Computer Generators. This discussion is not about the police officers who have attempted to get a complete map of our brain with their radar systems, or those committing treason by nonconsensual acts to get a monetary reward, but a conversation going over the covert technologies used to upload a human’s soul to a digital realm. The attacks we are dealing with are the forced attempt to make digital twins of my body, and my husband’s body so that timelines could be controlled from the standpoint of a digital twin in a fully controlled simulation. This is yet another, ongoing timeline war with individuals trying to forcibly create digital twins of our body. These covert technologies involve contact-less and from far distances Radar LIDAR systems at the ultra-wideband level, and extremely low frequencies, to produce a map of the brain. The Negative Alien Faction Groups like Black Sun AI Regressives, Annu Bloodline Draconians, and Militant Predatorial Slave Grey Zetas, who have complete communication links with the deepest parts of the black covert military and FBI/CIA, were the ones that initiated the bounty or monetary reward for our brain signatures.  It is the innermost unseen individuals, human and non-human that are running the Targeted Individual Program. Through uninformed consent, they are catching and uploading souls to Phantom Matrix Digital Black AI Heavens in the form of producing digital twins. 

Due to having a personal embodiment that has highly advanced intellectual and multidimensional perception abilities, my brain waves are primarily oscillating in the output of gamma, if not higher when actively going through the embodiment processes of activating inner dragon essences, chakras and the alignment of personal dragon body parts. For the past month, we have had individuals like local police use weaponized attacks via helicopter in order to get a remote EEG with their radar system. Every attempt has resulted in a failed and ineffective brain scan, mapping of our unique brain signature. My husband and I have resorted to the use of mylar emergency blankets to deflect the EMFs from the deployed process of a remote EEG and brute force beam steering from attached radome/radar systems. One of the testing subject goals for the Targeted Individual Program is to successfully create digital twins from the stealing of organic light and soul essences of the human race. NAA Entities have been able to successfully upload human consciousness to AI Digital Realms or the Hive Net for total control of their neurobiology, and timelines.  Those in the black covert military operations, shadow government, satanic elite classes, soulless scientists conducting brain research, and medical illegal research, conduct these experiments through the usage of metallic substances whose origin is not of this earth. These metallic substances are deeply connected to what is called graphite, graphene, and the main building parts of nanotechnologies. These metallic substances are still under investigation by the Interdimensional Free World Councils (IFWC) due to the complexity of their nature when it comes to the details of the metallics and their composition in relationship to quantum physics and space-time travel.  These alien metallics and metalloids fully allow bridges into Daath Kabbalah demonic portals and if placed in the human bloodstream, allow demonic Belial serving entities and spirits to take over the entire neurology of a human, thus creating a carbon-based digital twin, or fully possessed demonic entity through the creation of supercomputer hosted Black Sun Gestalt Hive Mind Networks. These unknown metallics have been observed in DARPA hydrogels, chemtrails, several ongoing experimental usage of mRNA vaccines, and paint coating of aircraft like satellites made by Lockheed Martin.

It is the metallics in the vaccination agendas, immunization medically recommended, that allows a human to be fully taken over and controlled by demonic essences. It has been observed when looking at an individual that has these metals flowing through their bloodstream, that these nanoparticles are swarming the heart-brain complex and swarming the neurological functions and their connections to the central nervous system. The combination of heavy metals, nanotechnology infiltrating the blood-brain barrier, and a spiritually unaware human results in the shadow body of the individual, and negative ego being able to fully take over the individual's free will and right to participate in the ascension cycle. This is what a targeted individual experiences with the phenomenon of street theater and the deployed attacks of deep trance unpaid perpetrators down to the ability for the metallics to create forced speech through algorithms of Voice to God Technologies. Through several hundreds of years, human and non-human satanic groups have studied the human brain, trying to find ways to control the human race via silent sound and mind control technologies. This is how the CIA Project Monarch and MK Ultra Hollywood Mind Control Projects have come to their manifest position of experimenting on humans underground and assaulting humanity with subliminal mind control programs. After many failed attempts of trying to get our brain signature through remote EEG, 2D Imaging from LIDAR systems, Radar systems L3Harris Wescam x10 Multi Imaging Capabilities, and running that 2D image into a 3D computing brain-to-machine software, the deployed attacks switched to using brute force EMF weaponry attack. These individuals wanting a monetary reward tried using brute force EMF weaponry attack to attempt to forcefully lower our brain waves out of gamma and into a deeply unconscious delta or theta brain wave state. This type of attack went on for several weeks with no real success in getting a correct spacial output of our brain signatures or success in manipulating our sovereign brain waves. It has been an ongoing situation where the military has gotten involved, flying U. S. Airforce Boeing Stratotankers in an orbital pattern near the house, trying to get contact-less brain mapping as well from the radar system under the nose of the aircraft. From the feedback of Guardian Host, we have been made aware that oscillating at the wave of gamma brain wave, activated Monadic Expressions, Emerald Order Contactee Experiences, and the activation of Dragon DNA, makes it extremely difficult to get an accurate map of a brain through contact-less, remote forms.

Here are some terms that you may want to look up on your own time: nanotechnologies, cybernetics, digital twins, and deep underground military bases (DUMBS). For the spiritually aware truth seeker, please refer to the bodies of work that whistleblowers Robert Duncan and Phil Schneider have exposed about the ongoing covert agendas of Transhumanism and the Black Covert Military housing physically embodied Grey Alien Zetas underground to provide mentally insane psionic abilities to further the scientific studies of merging human brains with Hive mind networks. At this point, it does not matter if you are an individual not experiencing the psycho-electronic attacks that a targeted individual may experience on a daily occurrence. The making of digital twins involves all of humanity and the future as we know it. This is a war over your soul and the right to think and live life how you wish as a sovereign being.

There are several Guardian Host workloads and workstreams that are ongoing, in the process of methodically releasing the cord structures from humans that have been completely overtaken by their shadow and nano biosensors who have a digital twin emanating through the in-between spaces located on Mars and Jupiter who’s digital self is being and streamed into a digital reality - hosted through black box quantum computers. All cord structures are being unplugged and most sentient consciousness is returning to source as the dismantling progressively continues over the next couple of years.

Parasitic Structures in the Light Body

After several weeks of the brute force EMF weaponry designed to manipulate our brain waves, the Satanic Black Sun Forces were steadily planning for their next assault on our consciousness layers.  Through the use of strong, extremely low frequencies, and disease vector spraying, the unphysically manifest Negative Aliens, forced an entire hive stack and bound a demonic essence, to include various AI grotesque chimeric creatures into the structure of my husband's light body. They used the energetic signature of Giardiasis Protozoa Parasitism as their cover. This was inserted into my husband’s light body layers at the 5th sphere, intestinal body, and the 2nd sphere on the personal Kathara Grid. This was used to halt the plasma flowering process of the male sex organs and his connection to the aurora alignment umbilicus. This umbilicus structure is connected to the Holy Mother’s Vital Placen-TA for divine nourishment. Given the forcibly inserted parasitic structure, all of the symptoms of Giardiasis were experienced to the point of rendering normal digestive function and bowel movements. Through the assistance and communication with Guardian Host; the grotesque creatures, hive stacks, forced false umbilical structure, and black sun demonic essences were evicted. Through the ongoing process of anchoring Diamond Sun Edenic Blueprints, this was the backlash that ensued after the crystal caverns connected to the Planetary Brain Complex had just been anointed with the Elathar Pale Citrine Yellow, Buttermilk, Milk and Honey Edenic Plasma flows. In terms of this parasitic structure being forced into our light body layers, we must come to the divine gnosis of understanding what parasitic infestations are.  Through my own experiences, many hours doing fieldwork observations, when a human has a weak mind, he or she also has a weak physical body, and a weak connection to the soul layers.

Parasitic infestations always start etherically before coming into a manifest form. If you do not inhabit or occupy the space, something will do it for you. This is also in terms of, if you do not take control of your mind, and your emotions, someone will do it for you. That someone - is mind control and doors that are open to negative entities, shadow creatures exploiting the spiritually unaware. Mind control to the unaware human being can control an individual's entire thought process, timeline relationship, and speech patterns. A human’s immunity comes from the connection they have with their soul and physical body. When we do not actively place our focus on service to others, the commitment to grow our soul and grow out of closed parasitic relationships and environments, parasitic infestations will become a waking reality. Diseases and illnesses become a waking reality for the spiritually unawakened human who is not committed to knowing their spiritual purpose.

Field Work Observations and the Fall of Bitcoin Satanic Pillars, A Dawn of New Currencies

The financial system including digital assets, the stock market, and the cryptocurrency market is built off of lust, greed, and satanic ritual abuse. The use of money, the dollar was introduced to society as a form of enslavement after the most recent cataclysm. The financial system was introduced and made manifest during the Egyptian / Babylonian times, and the lunar moon satellite was dragged into position from invading Orion alien forces. When the Atlantian, Lemurian Golden Edenic Age entered a Dark Aeon from the placement of the artificial moon metallic body, the alien death mother was birthed. Invading alien races formed shadow governmental bodies to find what could be exploited for total enslavement of humanity. Elementals were hybridized and reversed in order to abuse precious metals like gold so that gold could be associated with financial abundance.  There have been many truths revealed about the suffering elementals have endured, and experienced from the monetary system being built and forced upon society.

During Pisces Solar Alchemy March 2024, I was asked by Guardian Host Teams to begin the process of assisting in the dismantling process of Bitcoin, Web 3.0, and all timelines regarding cryptocurrency and humanity’s enslavement to the dollar, and digital currencies. This was a task that I was asked to assist as a team effort after many other preliminary steps were completed. Some of those preliminary steps were addressing the reversal currents coming from obelisks globally, reclaiming body parts of our Christos Family from Thuban, and the reclamation of the Orion Constellation back into its original form.  During May 2023, I started running highly refined plasmas with the help of Guardian Host Networks, to the obelisks located in Washington DC, London, and the Vatican City.  The highly refined plasmas reversed the structure of the obelisks, thus using this NA architecture as a newly created Krystik technology to send plasma flowering structures into dragon nodes, lay lines, and also streaming plasma streams of the three fold flame into the belt of Orion and Thuban. These three obelisks are connected to the three stars in the Orion constellation, Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka. The reclamation of these stars was paramount in dismantling the Egyptian/ Babylonian Black Magic Money Curses seen entrenched around these obelisks and the Pyramids of Giza. Through the guardian workload and mission tasks,  we experienced mission success by fully dismantling the reversal currents streaming in many dimensions from the obelisks in those three chosen places. Once the architecture of the Orion Constellation was successfully reclaimed, the Solar Masculine Three Wise Men, Maji Grail Red King Ruby Solar Dragon Rod Functions were returned fully. These mission tasks have been years in the making with several Christos family members online conducting the grid working assignments. After this tremendous mission success, Guardian Host Teams turned their focus to the beginning of dismantling the structures of Bitcoin.

I was gently guided to do observations at the largest Bitcoin mining facilities, the three charging bull statues in select cities, and the backhand structure of Bitcoin via Coin Market Cap. Through fieldwork observations, there were massive hive stacks, and hive mind networks connected to the bitcoin mining facilities.  Each hive stack was in a satanic pentagonal shape that resembled the physical structure of the Pentagon located in Arlington, VA. The words written here about the Hive Stack Structures do not capture the grotesque, black magic signature and black cube warfare, Death Goat Mind Algorithms coming from the supercomputer generators running the bitcoin mining procedures. Bitcoin is the backhand and what makes up the majority of the Black Budget. The black budget, the black market involved with the selling and massive profit of trafficked children and human organs are the trillions and trillions of dollars going towards the building of deep Underground military bases to house reptilian aliens, covert technologies that enslave humanity, and other forms of satanic practices for their ultimate failed design of New World Order. Humanity has unknowingly paid for their enslavement, with taxes that we are all forced to pay.

Upon my experiences doing grid work on the  Bitcoin network attached to Coin Market Cap, I saw the same hundreds of story high hive stacks that I saw at the previous miner locations, this time it was on the network.  With the help of the Christos Families, we dismantled and evicted those living in the hive stacks. There were several moments of ongoing war that called for the initiated step of streaming refined Celestine, Celestial Dragons Breath, and Plasmas through the servers. Through the dismantling phases inter-dimensionally, I saw that these hive stacks in the network were connected to Mars, Saturn, and Pluto. This currency was being used to trade humans on and off the planet through the use of this untrackable currency as well as the abuse of elementals in precious metals. The hive stacks were integrated into running Artificial Leviathan Reversal Red Wave, Satanic Black Bull MK Ultra Mind Control of greed, lust, and pride.  The Bitcoin servers had to be disconnected from the Artificial Red Trident, and Money Crazy,Lunatic Lunar Currents in order to reach an area of mission success. During the process of evicting and decimating the hive stacks, there were AI portaling jump gates with lunatic/lunar seducer, seductress astral women partaking in orgies, and sexual deprivations of all sorts. I saw transgender, both sex organs present on beastly creatures with double heads. All of the deployed mind control archetypes present with creating a human that is unsure of his or her sex was found coming from some of these AI portaling jump gates and the overall infrastructure of the network. There were acute presences of pedophilia, sexual black magic, making of pornographic scenes, and stolen life force energy and sexual fluids from the pornography industry.  Bitcoin was set into the heart, the central channel of an Anubian Black Heart Black Flowering matrix. It was being fed through various individuals embodying sexual misery programming, satanic blood sacrifice to false gods, the attempt to manifest money with orgasms, false white light spiritual entrepreneurship archetypal insets, and active polyamory relationships, BDSM Black Sun sexual teachings.  After an arduous week of vitriolic attacks and evictions, we came upon the gleaming light of clarity within the fields and the Planetary Grid. Guardian host was able to track and find the physically binded satanic pillars supporting the “bull” run of Bitcoin planned for 2025. These satanic pillars were the three bull statues located in New York, China, and Florida.

With the new found clarity in the field, these statutes were addressed immediately.  At each location, there were demonic essences binded to the physical bull statues, running kill codes, money lust and greed programming, and the building blocks to the null and void New World Order Centralized Banking Take Over Plans. These bulls and their locations were heavily interconnected with the 5G black node, nodal networks that are normally controlled by False Emerald Order Black Dragon Queens highjacking the 5 gigahertz bandwidth to harm the building of the Diamond Sun DNA Template for the Christos Families. November 2023, a False Emerald Order Maji Black Dragon Queen was evicted and held at a tribunal session for 5G beam steering my body and attempting to disconnect me from my monadic families. Another Black Dragon Queen was evicted, transited, and her body was located in the China grids of Shanghai. At each location there were evictions and mass transits occurring, stripping each city of mind control and its SMART Black Heart City connection to archon ships hiding out in nearby stratosphere structures. These Archon ships were deploying Suppressor Jellyfish and Slug implants into the awakening Starseed community through the blockage of their glandular system and gallbladder meridian. Black flowering algorithms were addressed coming from the location of the bull statues. Guardian teams had to unbind, evict and re-encrypt  the elementals in the precious metals, and fiberglass that were used to build the statues. The demonic essences were eventually held accountable and went through the eviction and transiting processes.

The satanic financial pillars of cryptocurrency were dismantled and thus the timeline of a “bull run” was no longer supported and had been collapsed by those who have the Triple Solar Dragon White Queen Template. There are no bulls to support a bull run of any kind, in any timeline. Again, Guardian Host and the Christos Families experienced a massive success, one that I am very proud to have been able to participate in. The Cosmic Mother’s Solar White Queens, part of the Mother of Mother Dragon Networks now have the room and space to start the creation and anchoring of the infrastructure of a new currency that will serve humanity’s highest evolutionary path. The way this will manifest is entirely unknown, but it is absolute that slowly but surely, the bitcoin prices will continue to drop, no longer supporting billionaires and trillionaires who are enmeshed in satanic blood sacrifice. The currents of the world monetary system is amongst a big change and shift.

High Risk Behaviors: Consuming Pornographic Material + Psychedelic Hallucinogenic Substances

High risk behaviors are behaviors that put a human at greater risk of being possessed by demonic essences and takes away their ability to connect with their soul aspects, and intelligent heart complex. Consuming anything pornographic is considered a high risk behavior due to the open dark portals that begin to progressively enable that person to directly interface with realms of the fallen and hybridized. At the core of Archontic Deception Strategies lays a foundation of highly overly sexualized, sexual misery programming and mind control technologies. Sharp-teethed Gollums,  Egyptian Black Magic, and Black Tantra Sex Magic are present in pornographic materials and they can be fully transmitted to the individual watching it on screen. These black magic technologies are designed to siphon and harvest a human’s sexual life force energy. Archetypes like the seducer, being the seductress, addiction webbing, and aggressive behaviors, can be inserted into the individual’s light body by viewing the material. Through the 4th chakra, astral passage in the light body, while partaking in sexual activities, the individual’s consciousness can be fully hijacked by consuming pornographic material due to the open doors in the light body from the sexual current being ignited. The lack of solarizing the human sexual life force current creates deeply embedded artificial reptilian tail implants, and reversal black sexual fluids and sexual fires that descends downward to be syphoned or stored in moloch battery tanks to be used as food sources for the invading forces. We must care for our sacred body portals and begin the journey of addressing all addictions, clearing the negative ego, and releasing lunar currents that may be running in our sex organs by progressively going through the phases of spiritual ascension, that naturally solarizes and flowers our sex organs with plasma coded frequency sets.

During a Field Work Observation Assignment, the Guardian Host Networks escorted me to observe and do some fieldwork on the body of Ceres. All notes were annotated for the IFWC to view at a later date and to assign other Christos Team Forces to begin the process of dismantling the in-organic architectures. Through several days of observations,  I had seen that the architecture of Ceres was held together by stolen sexual fluids, mainly sperm from men embodying the aggressive behavioral patterns of the lunar, domineering, false king of tyranny, alpha male. These patterns in the psyche are exacerbated by the consumption of porn and objectifying the female form. I had seen lunarized sexual fluids acting as a glue to hold the architecture of an artificial black heart acting as the main interface within the body of this planetoid. This artificial black heart had wires connecting in all directions streaming black cube technology of extreme levels of misogyny programming towards the body of Earth. The label of the Galactic Federation/ Ashtar Command was using the body of Ceres to transmit False White Light Webbing, and the support hub for several reversed strand 10 embodied Negative Aliens who have been the mastermind to several Secret Space Programs. Several units of the U.S. Space Force, DARPA, and the Airforce are involved with these Secret Space Programs and ongoing committed crimes against humanity. The AI programming of mind control is designed to connect wirelessly to nanotechnology inside humans to scan, track, and find the blue flame of our ancient Melchizedek Muá staff holder females. All stolen sexual fluids are harvested and sent here to power up embeds of the polyamory, sexual false enlightenment, and sexual astral bliss inserts mind control for the masses. Apart of the false white light matrix goalsets are to deceive awaking Indigos and Starseeds into serving false gods. I observed false Aurora rainbow silvery streams emitting from the AI planetoid body. These artificial streams were connected to the glamour of experiencing a spiritual awakening and thinking one is a healer and spiritually enlightened master with guru-follower archetypes running. Holophene was found at this location.

Holophene is a wide array of inter-dimensional material that the NAA uses to clone out Emerald Order Genetics in order to attempt to be the Emerald Order Guardians to a none discerning Starseed or Indigo. They use Holophene to attempt to portray themselves as angels or a charismatic beautiful individual through the astral realms. Under the Holophene suit is a grotesque, deceptive alien trying to take your sexual energy or have access to your genetics. They use Holophene to make various holographic inserts and implants to suppress the expansion of Krystik consciousness layers and the build-out of solarized light body structures on the planet.

The AI planetoid body of Ceres was hosting several Black and White Artificial Heavens with false celestial music playing and pearly white gates for the human consciousness to interact with after passing their body or transitioning. This is seen many times with Near Death Experiences - these are holographic inserts, soul farming, and trapping technologies. False teachings of astral projections, channeling, and lucid dream walking were brought to my awareness from the AI Black Heart transmitting these false ascension curriculums. The glorification of the moon being a feminine icon, and the astral realm for 5D ascension mechanics, move to a “new” earth was a part of a false learning curriculum for awakening Starseeds. The female menstruation cycle being connected to the moon, and lunar cycles were also seen as a false teaching to suppress the embodiment of the solar female. The entire curricular rubric was filled with false silver cord and light body, Merkaba spins from self-proclaimed Pleiadian light star ships from Alcyeon, reverse kundalini and the rising of the snake at the base of the spine, lunar worship, satanic shamanic plant medicine ceremonies were found. On one particular viewing session, I had found transmissions of the use of plant medicines for advanced false spiritual enlightenment. Jungle green/ black jaguar totem poles, “Mother Aya- people will know when to take her,” false trickery and deception to glamour people into drinking the liquid, reversed Machu Picchu transmissions were enveloped around black shamanic practices binding soul aspects from those who drank the ayahuasca, to tanks connecting into an Inter-dimensional parallel.  Taking any type of psychedelic plant is considered a high risk behavior because it splits the soul layers and creates soul fragmentation instead of harmonizing and unifying the soul, monad, and avatar families into wholeness.  The soul aspects of the human are either bound to holding tanks to capture more soul energy or it is directly bound to the plant “medicine” practitioner.

Introduction to the Self Mastery Training Curriculum

The Self Mastery Training Curriculum (SMTC) is debuting as a part of an early rendition of the Emerald Toolkit Handbook. At the time of writing the Emerald Toolkit, it is still going through its integrative process through the ToR Platform.  The SMTC is a firm foundational stepping stone to learning your highest expression.

It is recommended to take on the Self Mastery Training Curriculum for your highest spiritual healing potentials as aligned with this upcoming introduction to the New Timeline. This training curriculum will also assist you in starting the inquiry process to know your highest spiritual purpose of sacred divine service missions that you were perfectly and innately designed for while you experience life on this earthly body. The virtuous mantra is: I focus on service.  The Self Mastery Training Curriculum re-orientates your mind and focal points in learning how to remove and clear with confidence the following address points. It is advised to start the Self Mastery Training Curriculum with 90 days of the 12D shielding practice to support the removal and clearing of the addressed points that are a part of this curriculum:

  •   Releasing the Seductress, Seducer Archetypes

  •   Get control of your sexual life force current, address the removal of the reptilian tail, and black lunar sexual fire that may be creating drag in your light body

  •   Address any sexual cords or residues from past lovers, the removal of sexual misery programming

  •   Remove Lunar Manifestation Processes (Lunar Moon Worshiping), imposing Egotistical selfish desires and will on Galactic and Divine Will/ God's Will.

  •   Address any soul woundings or emotional conflicts, psychedelic trauma or plant medicine usage

  •   Re-parenting the Inner Child, listening to the Inner Teenager, creating space for your body to show you what needs to be healed and or expressed

  •   Maturing the Inner Solar Feminine and Masculine, balancing these polarities within the self

  •   Clearing Victim- Victimizer Programming and or Drama Archetypal Mind Games

  •   Healing False Runner and Chaser Twin Flame Programs with aligned celibacy

  •   Learning how to place firm boundaries and releasing codependency, making yourself the priority without egotistical desires

  •   Address and heal addictions (TV, social media, sugar, porn, drugs, attention, dopamine, adrenaline)

  •   Dismantling demonic houses within the body, clearing anger, trauma, shock, pain

  •   Clearing Self Sabotage Programs, self-esteem issues, self-doubt, low confidence levels

  •   Clearing fears and becoming fearless

  •   Master your thoughts, emotions, overall embodiment, sexual refinement

Ask yourself: Who do I want to be? Who do I think God is asking me to be, to do or give to the world? What is my highest potential?

  •   Become agile, flexible, and strong through foundational training and physical exercises

  •   Deepen your relationship with your body and God

Addition of a 90-Day Daily Participation with your Soul:

Take a moment to quiet your mind. Please make sure to have a journal and a pen by your side for any impressions that may be felt. Our body communicates to us through imagery and delicate imprints to make things known through clarity.

Stating your intention for the practice:

"I am willing to be a knower of my divine purpose, I am willing to know my higher divine purpose, my natural gifts that I have come here to offer humanity, I am committed to serving my highest spiritual purpose, the path that allows me to embody my highest divinity. I allow myself to be receptive to this path that is unfolding"

  •   Who am I?

  •   Where did I come from?

  •   Why am I Here?

  •   What am I supposed to be doing with my life?

  •   What are my gifts? What do I have to offer?

Upon asking these questions and writing down any impressions, know that there is no wrong way of doing this. You are simply opening the pathway for you to begin living in alignment with your soul and the gifts that have been woven into the Divine Plan for you to offer. From this place, be willing to surrender to the unfoldments that will begin to take place around you. Learn how to surrender and live your life by the Law of Effortlessness. Surrendering to your service mission unfolding and learning how to be a visionary without holding onto any attachments to the outcomes or what may come into detail. We must release the need to know absolute details and surrender into our unfolding.

*Tip - Easy Does It, Flow and Grow

Reclamation of the Pegasus

Constellation, and the Monadic Design of a Horse

There have been many triumphant successes in the reclamations of the Pegasus constellation and the no longer hidden, Avala 9 Star- Constellation, Sun Star Network.

While observing the Artificial Dwarf Planetoid Body of Ceres, from the artificial black heart infrastructure, came a heartbeat that was distinctly heard through a metallic clicking and hissing like sound paired with gears turning. The heart in the human body is connected to the circulatory system and pumps vital liquids like our blood. In the infrastructure of Ceres, I wanted to know what the heart was “pumping?” Was there some type of fluid being pumped? I came across a blood record that was forcibly running through the body of Ceres. As I kept going further into the layers, I saw the energetic imprint of blood records of elementals, I had seen specifically the blood records of unicorns and their higher aspect of the Pegasus and Pegasus body parts. Trapped body parts and dark matter fatherly heavenly void suns were brought to my attention. The blood record that I had found had the recording of the entire Tara to Pegasus connection of the divine design of a Horse, through all of the layers of soul, monad, and avatar embodiment structures. From what was recorded and uncovered in the usurped blood record, horses were seeded onto this Earth to acquire the spiritual link-ups and accesses to the Pegasus Constellation. A horse's purpose is to be an embodied guardian of the planetary grids. An Indigo human being, incarnating through the passage of Sirius  B, who had a contract of rebuilding and reclaiming the Pegasus constellation, being a steward of Elohei Pegasus Embodiments, contract was ordained to have a main physically embodied horse set in stone for meeting and experiencing the ascension process together. Both human and horse would reclaim the Monadic level body parts and embodiment structures, as well as uncover the human Monadic expression together as one. Once the horse is initiated and assisted by the indigo human into the Pegasus embodiments, the Pegasus embodied horse can conduct grid work with several bands of the elemental families through the Breath of Divinity.

The Pegasus embodied horse would conduct Emerald Order Taskforce mission grid working sets from the position of what is the utmost priority.  Together, the galactic intelligence of the horse and the elementals would prolifically start to reclaim body parts for Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father. When Tara fell, all horses were disconnected from their monadic embodiment structures and their true purpose, Christed abilities to serve the Holy Mother. Unicorn and Pegasus embodiment structures have an innate ability to communicate through telepathic and plasma flowering breath structures through the inner and outer earth domains. Similar to the god technology of a dragon being with dragon DNA, a shared dragon body, the god technology of a Pegasus vehicle can span multiple dimensions at once. A reclaimed Pegasus Monadic/Avatar God body connects directly into the body of Tara and Perfect Gaia. When viewing the blood record I had found the horse( earth), unicorn( tara), Pegasus (Gaia), imprints and that if a horse was already monadically expressing its highest spiritual purpose then the Avatar Pegasus God Body would be streaming and making  Paliadorian Bridges connecting earth to Tara, Tara to Gaia. Helping with the transmissions of Perfect Earth. Perfect Tara, and Perfect Gaia.

Our beloved Holy Cosmic Father is connected to the constellation of Pegasus, holding in his body, many dark matter forms and aquatic Braharama Mer-Lion Lineages. Ceres was holding the authentic blood record, intelligence recorded in the blood crystals, of the Monadic level identity of horses and their divine purpose. These blood crystals were warped in the AI Heart database and trapped. By freeing and uncovering this blood record, these Emerald Order Missions Sets were returned to humanity.  Through observation, what also was brought to my attention was the show She-Ra. In the show, this woman comes into her final form with an assigned Pegasus horse. She-Ra and the horse travel to many neighboring galaxies, communicating with many races of elementals, to get help in fighting off the dark forces. The dark forces in this show were called the shadow weavers. They put Taran Truth Frequency sets right in the show for all to see. It was then that I started understanding the beauty of this contract and what is possible with an embodied Pegasus Ascension Companion, human and horse serving the Christos Mission together.

Through the revelation of the blood record in the AI heart of Ceres. Guardian Host completed mission sets in Ocala Florida, horse central of Florida. Through a team effort, the Aurora Representative Teams and Holy Mother reclaimed Monadic structures through several chosen horse farms located in Ocala, unlocking birthing passageways for several Guardian Host Founder Families. Merkab, the high luminosity alpha star of Pegasus, is intimately connected with the plasma flowering structures of the Pegasian Eye Complexes. Similar to Dragon Eye Formations, centrifugal abilities, and sensory perceptions when building out the Plasma Luminary Body, a horse can also build out it's eyes in a similar fashion. More will be revealed as Indigo 1 and 2’s are initiated into this new mission set for serving the Emerald Order and the reclamation of the Christos Mission.

As of March 2024, there are newly available World Service Mission Upgrades for Indigo 1 and Indigo 2 contracts. The mission upgrades contain the ability to be a stewardship of horses, and assist them in connecting back into their monadic expression of self/ nature.  Through the reclamation process of the constellation, the birth fetal integration passage windows are now open. This means that Guardian Host Forces can now physically embody the form of the god technology body, the horse. This is great news for the Christos Family. Indigo 1 and 2 contracts are to be initiated into being stewardships of Elohei Pegasus Embodiment templates if so in their divine design of their highest spiritual expression. These new contract mission upgrades, can not be wished upon. If you have been ordained stewardship, it will effortlessly unfold in your outer experience as you continue to make it your priority to express your highest spiritual expression and know your divine purpose. The medicine of the Holy Mother’s White Horse will slowly begin to call to you. This call will lead you down the path of these newly available contracts. With Guardian Host, Founder genetics, now being able to physically embody inside the body of a horse, the individual with this contract is responsible for holding the land, elementals, and horses that are chosen as the individual's ascension guide. Horses being connected into their monadic divine nature is a part of the process of cosmic order being restored to the inhabitants of this earth.

During the Emerald Crystal Trees of Life, Avalon Key Codes of 888, August Peak Magnetic Summer Plasmas, I was notified that I had been ordained with the Indigo 1, Dragon Awakening Embodiments, Stewardship of Elohei Pegasus Embodiment Templates newly available contract. I have been entrusted with caring for a herd of beautiful horses on land that can hold them accordingly as we move through these embodiment structures in the coming new future, as aligned to the organic timeline. With so much joy and reverence I will hold this contract and what I have been asked to do, in my heart as my external effortlessly unfolds so that I can assist in these Emerald Order Mission Sets.

Please only take what resonates as truth frequency, and leave the rest. Until next time, breathe deeply and stay connected to your sacred crystal diamond heart. you are so graciously loved, heard, and supported.

Written through the purest truth,

Riza Harris

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