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Integrating through the Ascension Integrative System

The Emerald Toolkit: Estimated Completion Sept 2024

This is the first of many handbooks written by Riza Harris through the integration of the information that Truth of Riza Architectural Design is holding. This is a foundational handbook for soul growth and suggested tips that may help the  Targeted Individual during the entrance into the Global Disclosure Events or Coming New Timeline. This Handbook has 6 different audio sessions to better understand the materials covered. The Audio sessions cover the techniques displayed in the handbook at an in-depth level.


The Ruby Toolkit: Estimated Completion Jan 2025

The Ruby Toolkit is a twinned creation to the helpful Emerald Toolkit, the Ruby Toolkit contains 12- 15 dedicated clearing treatments and their programs to support humans in obtaining their highest embodiment. All treatments are timeless and designed to assist anyone in regaining bodily sovereignty.  From the Galactic and truthful l gnosis that Holy Mother comes first with her Emerald Templar Body, Holy Father leads second through the support of the Ruby Templar, in relationship to the Holy Mother's Reclamation. 


The Advanced Spirit Body Clearing Checks Manual: Estimated Completion Apr 2025

The manual assists in clearing the light body through 22 levels of focused clearing stages. Clearing Stages and sections provided like healing vaccine injury, learning how to build krystik architectural designs in the form of Christed Business Structures, and virally clearing all fears and doubts as your personal divine mission path unfolds. 


​Sacred Affirming, Prayers and Vows for Ascension Vol.1: Estimated Completion TBD

The use of words to form sacred sound tone mantras to empower your ascension process. Prayers for humanity are included, these are the same prayers that I speak over the Collective Consciousness every day as I hold the patterns of perfection in my body. The use of affirming to your subconscious mind creating a stronger alignment with the organic timeline. 


Beginners Support Hand Book, Introduction to Holy Body Work and Somatics:  Estimated Completion TBD

A gentle introduction to the depths of Holy Self Touch Work and building a deeper relationship with our body. What are the focus points of a personal massage practice and why it is important to build an intimate relationship with our fascia and our body being our ascension vehicle and the way our soul emanates out into the world.  Ask yourself - how well do you know yourself?  That question will be answered in the many glorious themes that Holy Body Work and Somatics has to offer. 


Solar Feminine Leadership, The Solar Female Embodiment Handbook: Estimated Completion TBD 

The handbook for the embodied woman learning how to solarize her sexual current and wanting to build a deeper relationship with the Holy Trinity above and below (Brain to Cervix Connection). Riza goes over in-depth processes of becoming the woman you were meant to be and opening your heart in alignment with your womb. This is a Mother Arc Dispensation to help all Solar Females activating into the key holders of our Cosmic Mother's Divine Solar Breath.


Celestial Alchemy, Laws of the Galactic Zodiac Cycle: Estimated Completion TBD

We must come to an understanding of how to live our lives in alignment with Universal Natural Laws. A deep dive into more Holy Body and Somatics Teachings about the ascending human biology and what it means to embody Krystik virtues. Understanding what each solar alchemy cycle needs to show and teach you for your highest embodiment. As we continue to move through the Galactic Alchemy Cycles we can become more of our eternal spiritual nature by leveraging the Natural Laws of this Universe.


Indigo 3 Contract Perfected Design and Rehabilitation to Contract Completion Plans (Intro to Indigo Races): Estimated Completion TBD

Starseeds that have incarnated onto the earth with an Indigo 3 Contract housing a Nephlihim Hybridized essence. How to raise the contract completion rates? The handbook goes over guided practices for contract completion plans and to understand your personal mission with depth. Clearing Treatments included as Audio Sessions. 


Healing Abduction Trauma, Sovereign Long-Term Memories, and Exposing MILABS: Estimated Completion TBD

​The illumination of abduction trauma and cover memories. Learning to heal abduction trauma through emotional body clearings and recovering long-term memories, false cover memories. Earth's Galactic history with  Negative Aliens conducting genetic experimentation and the evolution of the Christos mission are several talking points.

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