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Image by Jeremy Perkins
Image by Codioful (Formerly Gradienta)

A Living Archive of Knowledge

Paliadorian Edenic Coding, Integrated Heroic Probabilities, and Christos Ascension Mechanics

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Changing Planetary Architecture  & Holy Body Work and Somatics are integrating through the Ascension Integrative Systems, they will be available in the Coming Future

Devotion to the Christos Mission

Intellectual Messenger of Emerald Order - Bridge Connection to our Emerald Order Solar Dragon Families


I am Riza Harris and welcome to the energetic integral architectural design of Truth of Riza. Provided on this website is ever expanding lush libraries full of wisdoms and blessings that will support you in your highest Diamond Sun DNA Potentials. All of the materials found here are considered to be Self Study Guardian Hosted Materials or Law of One Learning Curricular Education Streams. I am the author and voice of the materials you find on this website. It is provided to myself through loving telepathic mentorship from our Krystal Star Families, Authentic Creator Code Living Light Streams, Galactic Guardian Founder Races hosting our Ascension Cycle. The Krystal Star Families Serving the Law of One are the guiding hand and guiding intelligence fields as to how the tools are displayed, treatments are put together, what techniques can be brought forward, how handbooks are written, and any other tools that may become available to the public that resides in the Energetic Archives of Knowledge called Truth of Riza.


The architectural design of this website is a top down effect where the techniques, handbooks, meditation treatments and other various tools are from a future time space and when it is made and dispersed to the public it creates a bridge and connection to the organic ascension timeline of planetary liberation or life streams from the ascended earth  timelines. It is through my divine design, spiritual purpose, to co-create with Krystal Star many of these offerings, to include dragon visions sets of the highest and best outcomes as aligned with Cosmic Sovereign Law of One.


I am only here on this earth to share my most truthful and authentic expression in service to God and embody Paliadorian Edenic Coding, Perfect Avalonian Female Christ Embodiment Structures to return the wonderful Gardens of Eden back to humanity through Unity Consciousness and The Hierogamic Template. As a Sacred practice I will continue to connect with the sacred Paradisian Diamond Sun Blueprints, visions, and consciousness streams. Continuing to reflect upon the Edenic Avalonian Blueprints, my true spiritual nature, bringing into my mind and feeling into the Paradisian reality deep inside my heart, in my mind, in my cells, knowing this is the truth in the God Worlds. I will live out my Personal Edenic Blueprints. My life is a divine reflection of Paliadorian Edenic Coding. May the Paradisian Sun bless me infinitely and the entire world. 


I AM Avala Embodied. I AM the Edenic Revolution! I AM God’s perfect expression through eternal time.

I am here in pure service to the One. I am in service to others at my highest capacity. I am committed to dedicating myself to service. I commit to my soul, I commit to Embodying my highest potential. I let go and surrender to the path that is unfolding.


I Remember
You Remember
We Remember
Our True Spiritual Power - Our Eternal Nature
In This Moment
Past Moments
All Moments
We are Eternal, all oscillating at the perfect spin rates
I have returned, you have returned, We have returned, to fulfill our sacred spiritual mission. We are here. We have come.  We bring forth the Eternal Time Edenic Coding. The breath of God is emanating from our hearts- We move forward through peace, and divine love, speaking words of love and blessings over all of God's Creations. Our love and blessing magnified as everywhere I walk, you walk, we walk, we embody the Divine Plan. The Divine Plan as an action. I AM the Cosmic Sovereign Law Made Manifest.

I AM the Magic and Breath of the Gardens of Eden.

I AM like the White and Blue Sapphire Peacock Solar Angels hailing from the Pavo Constellation- May I come to know the Diamond Sun Paradisian Edenic Blueprints once again.


My Husband and I are a Sacred Hierogamic Pairing serving the Christos Mission with every fiber of our being. Emanating Guardian Consciousness and being Guardian Representatives, we are heavily involved with the T of R energetic information platform as a hierogamic partnership activating dragon consciousness. We dedicate and consecrate our bodies to be of service to the Eternal Living Light and Cosmic Sovereign Law. We set the intention to bring forth the highest emanation of our embodiment together as a unit and the highest emanation of Truth of Riza Architectural Design. We keep in our minds the questions:


“What will support humanity in fulfilling their highest/ heroic embodiment down to an individual consciousness level?”

“What is the highest and best for all ?”

“How can we support the timeline of ascension, liberation , and planetary freedom at our highest capacity?”


Along with constant communication streams with the Krystal Star Families guiding us through the bridges of connection for the Coming New Timeline.


Through the years there has been so much growth in our Sacred Marriage as well as individual consciousness streams of expression while leveraging the targeted individual program as a path of self mastery. This list will get exposed, the Inter-dimensional side regarding negative alien involvement will get spiritually delivered to no longer exists on our Mothers Dragon Body. The Negative alien and AI Black Sun Gestalts of Reversal Consciousness will return to space dust, creator particles of God Force. With the coming Global Disclosure Event in which many truths will be revealed to humanity, the dispensations of many bodies of essential knowledge from Krystal Star will support humanities path back to inner unity and self actualization.


This ever evolving platform is the experiences through a Solar White Queen’s eyes, serving Cosmic Mother at the highest capacity available. Experiences and gnosis’s through an Aeonic Pairing coming together in the external creation and the internal activation of Solar Dragon Rishi-Reisha consciousness through Emerald Sun DNA, Paliadorian Dragon Starseeded Genetics- Cosmic Dragon Starhuman Activations. Moving through life through the Templar Dragon Body Mechanics and fully making the communication links to the Solar Dragon Eyes, Eternal Ancient Eyes, and Solar Christ Avatar Mental levels.


I commit to seek the absolute truth found inside all things, to speak the truth as it is and to defend the Truth Frequency in every aspect of my life, which will keep myself perfectly aligned with the protective spiritual armor of God and Christos.


The Truth of Riza platform holds in it’s architectural design several Mother Arc Technologies like Changing Planetary Architecture which provides and indepth look at Planetary Alignment Updates, and Holy Body Work and Somatics which provides the stepping stones to cultivating a firm foundational relationship with your body as it pertains to your personal ascension vehicle and process.


Please Note: None of the material you see on the website or the official YouTube channel is from the means of

channeling, I am do not channel and I am not a channel of any kind.  


You may see the "CC BY SA" under the written technique guides, and handbooks available to the public. This Creative Commons License covers that if you share the materials, you must give attribution to where it belongs. This information will stay free for public use, but not as use as/for public domain. For those desiring to present monetary energetic exchange, you will always have the option to donate and support the Truth of Riza Architectural Platfrom. These donations goes towards supporting the website and the availability for more free spiritual guidance tools for humanity. The Architectural Design of Truth of Riza does not have 3rd party involvement, ads, propaganda or a social media presence other than the official YouTube channel. Your donation and sharing the knowledge with others will always make a difference!






May the materials that get uploaded here serve toward your Heroic Embodiment- Embodied as the Heroic Self Now.


For a more in-depth look at Riza's personal biography and timelines it is advised to read the Galatic Update for July 2024 located in the blog. 





What is Truth of Riza Architectural Design? What is to Come?

About: About Me
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