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for the ascending  race lineage


Consecration & Dedication

I consecrate and dedicate this space to serve the Eternal Living Light and Cosmic Sovereign Law of One.  May all of God's Blessing and Miracles be amplified upon those that visit here. I invite the spirits of Christos, the Spirits of Truth, Freedom, and Purity to emanate from this website. May we all find what is needed to heal our soul with the assistance of materials that are available at Truth of Riza Architectural Design. I ask that the highest emanation of Truth of Riza be brought forward and made available to serve Humanity's Edenic  Blueprints and Angelic Freedoms. I ask and pray that we all receive what is needed to embody our highest spiritual potentials. May we all embody the patterns of perfection, and stand in our truth and sovereignty. This Guardian Educational Architectural Design Platform is consecrated and dedicated to serve the Holy Christos Mission, with great honor and joy I consecrate my entire being to serve the Living Light , Eternal God Source. I AM God, I AM Sovereign, I AM Free, I so Decree!

The Mission Statement 

The Truth of Riza Architectural Design Mission Statement is to provide knowledge based archives for humanity. Along with the Guardian Founder Races and what they would like to see available for humanity 's Highest Evolutionary Path, it is my mission to provide ever evolving ascension support tools to assist in our journey on The Diamond Sun Pathway.


It is my mission to provide tools, first hand experiences, and bodies of work that drastically help integrate various coding and anchor in the spirit of the Christos Warrior. To defend and protect with every fiber of our being the Christ Consciousness on this planet and blaze a path forward with our inner fire and virtues that align into the God Sovereign Free Timeline- the timeline of Ascension, Freedom and Sovereignty for all.

With my left hand female in pledge and my right hand masculine in pledge. I AM Strength, I AM Discipline, I bring my hands together in prayer. For I AM balanced and whole. I AM patience.
I AM unity connecting to our family of Krystal Star. I bow and surrender.

Beloved Holy Cosmic Mother, Mother of the World, I AM your humble and courageous servant. I will return my Mother’s body back to this earth. My declaration of intention is to serve my highest power and follow my highest truth that emanates from my sacred crystal heart. I devote myself to following the path that is unfolding from my inner emerald crystal.  My inner Emerald Crystal acting as my divine compass with the perfected cardinal directions guiding me HOME. I follow this truth with no fear for thy Rod and Staff support me. I am cloaked fully in the protective golden cloaks of honor, valor, and God's Spiritual Armor. I AM Fearless.

TRUTH. sovereignty. LIBERATIOn.


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